Language disorders. Diagnosis and treatment
*Correspondencia: Dra. Noris Moreno de Flagge.Apdo. 0819-00480. El Dorado, Panamá, República de Panamá.
AIMS. The study reviews language disorders in children. Taking their normal development as the starting point, the work puts forward a differential diagnosis based on the symptoms presented in the moment the patient visited the physician. It also suggests an approach for children with language disorders from the neuropaediatric point of view while also updating the management of some of its forms.
DEVELOPMENT. The acquisition of language is one of the key milestones in the development of children. A child’s social and intellectual development is affected by delayed acquisition of language and this can give rise to a ongoing effect involving isolation and regression, which tends towards poor academic achievement and, eventually, leads to the development of learning and social problems. There are studies that evidence a close relationship in children between the development of spoken language and written language, as well as the importance of acquiring language as the basis for writing skills. These problems cause a great deal of anxiety in parents.
CONCLUSIONS. Knowledge of the problem allows the specialist to detect these children early on in the preschool stage and to ensure they receive the right attention. If treated in time, language learning can be modified to a significant degree, thereby avoiding the complications that affect its development. The specialist working with children must recognise these problems and channel them towards the most suitable therapy.
Desarrollo La adquisición del lenguaje es uno de los hitos clave del desarrollo del niño. El desarrollo social e intelectual del niño se ve afectado por el retraso en la adquisición del lenguaje y éste puede crear un efecto continuo de aislamiento y regresión, que pasa hacia un rendimiento académico pobre y, eventualmente, lleva hacia el desarrollo de problemas de aprendizaje y sociales. Existen estudios que muestran una relación estrecha en el niño entre el desarrollo del lenguaje hablado y el lenguaje escrito y la importancia de la adquisición del lenguaje como base de las habilidades de la escritura. Estos problemas son causa de mucha ansiedad en los padres.
Conclusión El conocimiento del problema permite al especialista captar tempranamente a los niños en la etapa preescolar y asegurarse de que provee los servicios adecuados. Tratado a tiempo, se puede modificar, de manera significativa, el aprendizaje del lenguaje y, con ello, evitar las complicaciones que inciden en su desarrollo. El especialista que trata con niños debe reconocer estos problemas y canalizarlos hacia la terapia adecuada.